Tuesday 30 July 2013

Dominos 'Life' Burst

People keep telling you that life has its ups and downs and we must face the downs bravely ...blah blah blah. But one thing no one will tell you but you will realize when I tell you that life has its own domino effects. (Just like the gorkhas asking for a separate state after the T's got their's). What exactly do I mean by this? Im not entirely sure myself, but, I can tell you this, that the gorkhas wont get a separate state!

Coming to the point, life's domino effects. When you're overjoyed and extremely happy, every small thing reflects that joy. The bright coloured clothes, the unusual no-road-rage-in-bangalore-traffic style driving, the loud and confident talking style, the red riding hood walking style, the ''I'm very happieeee with life'' extra lettered status updates, the big smile Facebook profile picture, the sudden love for friends and family, the politeness to canteen staff and last the dire need to spread this joy to the world. Everything signifies how happy you are. This is life's domino effect. However this is only one side of the coin, and because this isn't Harvey Dent's coin, there is an opposing side.

When the coin flips, the domino effect becomes worse. That is, when you're upset, it goes from hebbal lake to bay of bengal in no time. Quite often people our age suffer various setbacks, the degrees of which are subjective depending on each person. I might be really upset that my last chip fell on the floor and you might have a way better reason like herpes. 

 A more common problem you'll see all of us suffered from at one point or the other is loss of hope, and in extension to that self pity. Surprisingly this happens to the strongest of us, the ones who once had a domino effect of the previous kind. This, although, has major consequences. When one loses hope, they put themselves in a locked room (maybe literally), and get sucked into this black hole of depression. The profile picture is darkly edited, the status updates become one worded sprinklers of self pity and worst of all the once happy relationships with the people around start eroding in your viewpoint, like soil from our EVS textbooks.

From the Vaastu to the Vase, every small thing is blamed. When one loses oneself to self pity, they start disliking a lot of things, especially the people who are trying to get you out of it. Its like that feeling of extreme anger towards the one trying to get you out of bed early in the morning. The only way out of it, as I can see, is to get out of bed yourself. To reclaim lost territory. And to stop the domino effect then and there, find your old self again, your old friends, your old habits, your old profile pic and the bright coloured clothes again. 

Like they say, the only way to get out of quicksand is to stop struggling.
(And the only way to stop studying is write a philosophical blog post!)

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